Diploma Thesis Defence: Žiga Putrle
at 12:15 in Diplomska soba

You are invited to attend the diploma thesis defence of the candidate Žiga Putrle, on Monday, 29 May 2017 at 12.15 PM in Diplomska soba.


Title: Upgrade of a concatenative programming language interpreter for monitoring of executing program



The graduation thesis describes the design, upgrade and testing of computer software that supports monitoring of a running program written in concatenative programing language. We have used the Forth programming language, studied its design, selected the interpreter, upgrade it, create the support software, and conducted the elemental tests that have confirmed that the created software is appropriate. The purpose of the software is to provide an environment for the observation and analysis of decision problems.


Defence time and date: Monday, 29 May 2017 at 12.15 PM


Room: Diplomska soba



Assist. Prof. Jurij Mihelič, PhD, mentor


Defence committee:​

Assoc. Prof. Uroš Lotrič, PhD, chairman

Assist. Prof. Jurij Mihelič, PhD, mentor

Assist. Prof. Boštjan Slivnik, PhD, member