• PKP 3 - Video meritve dolžin smučarskih skokov
The Client : Javni štipendijski, razvojni, invalidski in preživninski sklad RS ( PKP 3 )
Project type: Projects Structural Funds
Project duration: 2017 - 2017
  • Description

Great successes of Slovenian ski jumpers in recent years incited a lot of public interest for active ski jumping, especially in junior categories. Competitions with 100 - 200 jumpers that last up to 8 hours are no rare events. Distance measuring in junior categories is performed manually by three to six umpires. Only in highest level competitions (World cup, Continental cup) video recordings are used for this purpose. In the project we developed an affordable system for video measurements of ski jumping distances. We focused on using commercially available technologies (video camera, external microphone, portable computer) to support and (in the future) automatically measure jumping distances. We developed a user-friendly integrated application that utilizes the OpenCV library for detecting and tracking the jumper, overlaying video with a calibrated distance mesh, and fusion of video and audio data for landing detection. In the course of the project we recorded four competitions. Our evaluation shows that our system has reasonable hardware requirements and could be, with a moderate investment, usefully deployed in real time. The project was implemented in collaboration with University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sports, the Ski Association of Slovenia and AZ Net Ltd.

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