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Bus no. 18 (Kolodvor – Center Stožice)

When you arrive at the main railway and bus station in Ljubljana, walk to the Kolodvor bus stop located in the same area. From there take a number 18 bus with Urbana card in the direction of Center Stožice. Get off after 6 stops at the Živalski vrt ZOO stop. When you get off the bus, turn  in the same directions as the bus is driving and go to the first pedestrian crossing. Cross the road and continue walking in that direction. The Faculty building is located at the end of this road.


Bus no. 14 or 14B (Savlje – Vrhovci or Savlje – Bokalce)

When you arrive at the main railway and bus station in Ljubljana, walk to the bus stop at Bavarski dvor (7 minutes to the SW). From there take a number 14/14B bus with Urbana card in the direction of Bokalce/Vrhovci. Get off after eight stops at the Jamnikarjeva stop. When you get off the bus, walk in the opposite direction and turn left onto Jamnikarjeva ulica. At the end of the street, when you come to the river, turn left again. Continue walking for about another 200m and you will arrive at the Faculty building.