Prof. dr. Peter Peer
Full Professor
T: +386 1 479 8248
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Room: R2.08 - Kabinet

Short biography: SciProfiles.

Main research topics: computer vision, biometrics.


Current highlights:

Head of the Computer Vision Laboratory.

Executive editor @ ICT Express, associate editor @ IEEE Access & IET Biometrics, topics editor @ MDPI Applied Sciences.

Coordinator of the double degree study programme with the Kyungpook National University, South Korea.

Member of the Faculty management board (2018-).

Member of the Faculty senate (2021-).


Some past highlights:

Co-organizer of the Unconstrained Ear Recognition Challenge @ 2023 IEEE/IAPR International Joint Conference on Biometrics, 2019 IAPR International Conference on Biometrics & 2017 IAPR/IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics.

Co-organizer of the Sclera Segmentation and Recognition Benchmarking Competition @ 2023 IEEE/IAPR International Joint Conference on Biometrics.

Vice-dean for economic affairs (2018-2022).

Special issue co-guest editor @ Applied Sciences (2021-22): Deep Image Semantic Segmentation and Recognition.

Guest professor @ the North-Caucasus Federal University, Russia, 2020-21.

Co-organizer of the Sclera Segmentation Benchmarking Competition @ 2020 IEEE/IAPR International Joint Conference on Biometrics.

Special issue co-guest editor @ IEEE Access (2020): Trends and Advances in Bio-Inspired Image-Based Deep Learning Methodologies and Applications.

Special issue co-guest editor @ IET Biometrics (2018): Unconstrained Ear Recognition.

Guest professor @ the Kyungpook National University, South Korea, 6-7/2017.

Invited researcher @ CEIT institute & their spin-off Asiris Vision Technologies SA, Spain, 2004-5.


Doctoral students:

  • Andrej Ikica: Text detection in natural scene images (2009-2013)
  • Jure Kovač: Gait recognition (2010-2014)
  • Žiga Emeršič: Ear recognition (2015-2021)
  • Blaž Meden: Face deidentification (2016-2023)
  • Matej Vitek: Sclera recognition (2018-2024)
  • Peter Rot: Face privacy preservation (2019-)
  • Tim Oblak: Fingermarks quality assessment (2020-) (with European Comission Joint Research Center, Ispra, Italy)
  • Ajda Lampe: Virtual try-on (2021-)
  • Nicolas Larue: Deep-fakes detection (2021-) (within EUTOPIA university alliance)
  • Darian Tomašević: Artificial generation of photorealistic images of biometrical modalities due to privacy concern (2022-)


March 2024, Exploring Bias in Sclera Segmentation Models: A Group Evaluation Approach is one of the IEEE Signal Processing Society’s top 25 downloaded articles from Sep. 2022-Sep. 2023 for IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security on IEEE Xplore.

Outstanding student paper award @ MIPRO 2023: Keeping Drivers Alert: A Solution for Monitoring Driver Attention in Assisted-Driving Vehicles (Jutreša, Peer, Emeršič, Kim).

3rd place @ DeepFake Game Competition on Visual Realism Assessment @ 2023 IEEE/IAPR International Joint Conference on Biometrics (Dragar, Peer, Štruc, Batagelj).

Feb. 2023, Privacy–Enhancing Face Biometrics: A Comprehensive Survey is one of the IEEE Signal Processing Society’s top 25 downloaded articles from Sep. 2021-Sep. 2022 for IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security on IEEE Xplore.

Winner of the SYN-MAD 2022: Competition on Face Morphing Attack Detection Based on Privacy-aware Synthetic Training Data @ 2022 IEEE/IAPR International Joint Conference on Biometrics (Ivanovska, Batagelj, Kronovšek, Peer, Štruc).

Top 20 cited papers (ranked #7) in 2021 in the section "Computing and Artificial Intelligence" @ Applied Sciences.

Best reviewer @ 2021 IEEE/IAPR International Joint Conference on Biometrics.

Winner of the Sclera Segmentation Benchmarking Competition @ 2018 IAPR International Conference on Biometrics (Štepec, Rot, Emeršič, Peer, Štruc).

Best theoretical paper award @ IEEE IWOBI 2018: Analysis of content-aware image compression with VGG16 (Selimović, Meden, Peer, Hladnik).

Winner of the Sclera Segmentation and Eye Recognition Benchmarking Competition @ 2017 IEEE/IAPR International Joint Conference on Biometrics (Štepec, Rot, Emeršič, Peer, Štruc).

Best student paper award @ IFMBE MEDICON 2007: Using computer vision in a rehabilitation method of a human hand (Katrašnik, Veber, Peer).

Student Faculty Prešeren award, 1998.


My doctoral students awards:

Nicolas Larue: Faculty research award for PhD students, 2023.

Matej Vitek: Faculty research award for PhD students, 2023.

Darian Tomašević: student Faculty Prešeren award, 2023.

Blaž Meden: European Association for Biometrics - Biometric Industry Award (& best presentation award), 2023.

Žiga Emeršič: Slovenian Pattern Recognition Association award for a high-profile doctoral dissertation, 2023.

Žiga Emeršič: University award for young university teachers and researchers, 2022.

Tim Oblak: Faculty research award for PhD students, 2022.

Benjamin Fele, Ajda Lampe: Faculty research award for PhD students, 2022.

Žiga Emeršič: European Association for Biometrics - Max Snijder award (& best presentation award), 2021.

Tim Oblak: student Faculty Prešeren award, 2021.

Blaž Meden, Peter Rot: Faculty research award for PhD students, 2021.

Peter Rot: student University Prešeren award, 2018.

Žiga Emeršič: Faculty research award for PhD students, 2017.

Past projects

(selected publications, mostly journal publications with impact factor (SCI) - up to Jul. 2024)

(for up to date publications see Google Scholar)


.: whole bibliography :.

.: Google Scholar citations :.

.: ResearchGate profile :.

.: online publications @ LRV :.

.: online publications @ ePrints :.

.: IEEE Xplore profile :.

.: ORCID profile :.

.: SciProfiles :.


.: LinkedIn page :.
