#vblatu: Avtomatizacija proizvodnje s strojnim učenjem
ob 18:00

Vabljeni na prvo letošnje predavanje #vblatu, katerega gost bo dr. Blaž Fortuna iz podjetja QLECTOR. Predavanje o avtomatizaciji proizvodnih procesov s strojnem učenjem bo v ponedeljek, 3. februarja 2020, ob 18.00 v predavalnici 1 Fakultete za računalništvo in informatiko UL.



Artificial intelligence and, more specifically, machine learning is one of the core enablers that are changing traditional industry sectors, including manufacturing. Machine learning makes the digitalization of existing production and logistic processes economical and gives everybody involved the ability of foresight. Implementation of machine learning alongside the traditional established IT and OT system creates many interesting engineering challenges. In this talk, I will show how we developed a software platform that creates and maintains a model (i.e. digital twin) of a manufacturing company, and what all comes with getting such a model deployed and used on the shop floor.

O predavatelju
Dr. Blaž Fortuna is Managing Director of QLECTOR where he is leading the team developing artificial intelligence-based products for Industry 4.0. He obtained his Ph.D. in artificial intelligence at Jožef Stefan Institute, was a research fellow at Ghent University and Stanford University and a research consultant for Bloomberg L.P.

O podjetju
QLECTOR is building an advanced platform LEAP that helps manufacturing companies walk the line between inventory and delays by introducing transparency and forecasts to the business processes employing artificial intelligence. The platform automatically creates a digital twin from the historical data and keeps it updated in real-time.

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