Gostujoče predavanje: Ehsan Nedaaee Oskoee
ob 09:00

Vabljeni na gostujoče predavanje z naslovom A Hamiltonian-based method for topology control of distributed smart adaptive complex networks, ki bo potekalo hibridno v ponedeljek, 27. aprila 2024 ob 9. uri v Diplomski sobi in hkrati preko Zooma. Predaval bo profesor Ehsan Nedaaee Oskoee.


Opis teme predavanja: 

Emerging technologies rapidly transform our lives and work, making automated systems increasingly crucial as workforce scarcity grows. Smart cities, leveraging technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), facilitate communication among city infrastructure, residents, and systems such as healthcare and waste management. However, the centralized model of IoT, susceptible to hacking due to its centralized control, poses security risks. Besides, the need for computational and storage facilities increases dramatically with the growth of Centralized IoT networks, imposing some limitations such as lack of scalability, adaptivity, and flexibility. Distributed blockchain-based IoT networks are of great interest as a solution to this problem. Topology control, however, is a challenge of any distributed network protocol. This presentation will introduce a new model for constructing distributed networks based on a physical Hamiltonian. Then, the results of some simulations for stationary and mobile nodes will be presented. In the end, the utilization of this model in some Deep Learning algorithms for constructing distributed networks based on smart nodes will be discussed. 


Za udeležbo preko Zooma, uporabite:

  • Meeting ID: 323 452 573 858

  • Geslo: YWdbmo