Predavanje: One Data Platform to rule them all?
ob 14:00

Vabljeni na gostujoče predavanje z naslovom "One Data Platform to rule them all?"ki bo potekalo v okviru predmeta Velepodatki, v ponedeljek, 29. maja 2023, ob 14.00 v Diplomski sobi. Predaval bo Grega Jerkič iz podjetja IN516HT.


Naslov: One Data Platform to rule them all? (Grega Jerkič, IN516HT)


Povzetek: The majority of platforms are switching to consumption pricing and offering the idea to solve various analytical use cases inside one data platform. There is fierce competition going on as the stakes are very high. In the lecture we will dig deep into the Snowflake and Databricks platforms and look at the pros and cons of each platform and what will the future maybe bring.


*Predavanje bo potekalo v angleščini


O predavatelju:

Grega Jerkič has worked in data and analytics for more than 20 years. Working on various projects in Europe, the Middle East and the USA. He is the co-owner and CEO of the leading Slovenian-based analytical company IN516HT, which was awarded Snowflake's most innovative European and Middle East partner award in 2021.


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