Predavanje: Safe software development and railway control systems
ob 09:15

Vabljeni na gostujoče predavanje z naslovom Safe software development and railway control systems, ki bo potekalo v okviru predmeta Zanesljivost in zmogljivost računalniških sistemov, v petek, 26. maja 2023, ob 9.15 v predavalnici P02. Predaval bo izr. prof. dr. Tomas Brandejsky iz Univerze v Pardubicah na Češkem.


Naslov: Safe software development and railway control systems



After a short introduction into basic terms of safe software development, like RAMS, SIL, etc., the more advanced subjects are discussed, like the lifecycle organization and  documentation. It also serves as introduction into the discussion of safe software development standards, especially IEC 61508 and EN 50128. The lecture ends with some words about the notified body of Czech Technical University and test lab of reliable railway software.


*Predavanje bo potekalo v angleščini


O predavatelju:

Doc. dr. Tomas Brandejsky is a member of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics at University of Pardubice. He also works at Czech Technical University in Prague. His research interest is especially soft computing (genetic algorithms and fuzzy sets), parallel programming (in Pardubice) and safe software development. (in Prague).